- Petra Bárd, Erik Uszkiewicz (2020) Hate Crimes in Hungary During the Coronavirus Outbreak. JTIblog, Blogsite of the Institute for Legal Studies.
- Erik Uszkiewicz (2020) Romák a járvány idején [The situation of Roma during the coronavirus outbreak]. SPECTRA webpage.
- Petra Bárd, Erik Uszkiewcz (2020) A koronavírus és a jogtudomány: gyűlölet-bűncselekmények a járvány idején. [Hate crimes in Hungary during the coronavirus outbreak]. JTIblog, Blogsite of the Institute for Legal Studies.
- Petra Bárd (2019) A Kúria döntése a "meleg pánik védekezésről" [Judgement of the Supreme Court on "gay panic defense"], JeMa, vol. 4, 5-10.
- Eszter Kirs (2018) A brief reflection on the impact of the Universal Periodic Review on the efficient investigation of hate crimes in Hungary, COJOURN 3: (3) 21-27.